Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

"People love talking about things that make them happy—including their favorite products and brands.
 "(pg. 143, Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation) I know I do. When people ask me about my car I talk about it as if it were an extension of my arm. I know my car like the back of my hand and when people start to question things like mpg I can tell them an answer on the spot. If I could be a brand ambassador for Nissan I would take the job on the spot if it meant driving the latest Z. "Marketers select their brand ambassadors very carefully, based on customers’ devotion to a brand and the size of their social circles." (pg. 143, Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation). I consider myself to be very outspoken and I believe I could be a good brand ambassador. I work in the hospitality industry so I speak to a lot of people in one day that are travelling from all over the world. If talk to 10 guests and then those 10 guests try out the brand I am representing and like it then that means that they will do the same and tell others about it. Eventually my impact will make profit for the brand I am representing. "Facebook's use as a job-recruitment tool remains small, but its appeal may be growing." (Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like) Facebook will succeed in the job recruiting spectrum. Everything they touch becomes a gold mine! Their main advantage is their "750-million-plus user base" which helps them make networks inside this social network we call Facebook. One day I may be looking for a job on Facebook on networks where only web developers belong to.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week 4 EOC: B-B Marketing

Consumer buyer behavior refers "to the buying behavior of final consumers—individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption” which combine to make up the consumer market (pg 136, Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation). Americans are always buying either on line or in person. Apple is a good example because they sell peer to peer and online and they are very successful. “Consumers make many buying decisions every day, and the buying decision is the focal point of the marketer’s effort” (pg137, Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation). I know make decision every day when I want to buy something. Especially when it’s something that costs a lot of money. Usually when making a big purchase I take time and once I make up my mind about the product I usually take one day to sleep on my decision. Usually I do buy the next day but when I don’t its because something last minute came up and impeded me from making my purchase. That day to sleep on my decision helps a lot especially when something unexpected comes up. Below is the stages that buyers like me go through:
(pg 138, Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation). Adoption and diffusion is when a buyer hears about a product and to putting the product into use in their mental state. Basically you hear about an IPod and you start to picture how the product will benefit you throughout you day. When a business is buying the process is a lot more different. Below is a graph to show a business buying decision process:
(pg 161, Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation). A business things about how it will benefit a wide variety of clients as supposed to when buying for yourself you make decisions for yourself and/or your family. The difference between business and consumer buying behaviors is the range of people the buying decision will appeal to.

Week 3 EOC: Making Money for Good

A lot of companies out there are in it to make profit. We rarely see companies putting effort to making the community a better place. Tough Mudder does both and all profits go to Wounded Warrior Project. Their vision is “To foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation's history.”( Together, Tough Mudder and WWP have raised more than “$3,722,708” and counting! ( “We host a team of Wounded Warriors in every Tough Mudder event, just to remind everyone what the definition of the word ‘bad-ass’ really means." I say well done Tough Mudder. You have found a way to get us back in shape so that we can compete against ourselves out at your obstacles.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

“As one of the younger cities of the modern and dynamic Southwest, the City of Henderson is often referred to as the "Other Side of Southern Nevada". (
Demographics here in Las Vegas and Henderson have always changed. I’ve never seen it change to where there its only a certain type of people but instead I see more diverse types of families moving out to the area. I’ve only been up to northern Nevada once and from what I saw there was not much diversity there. Everyone one seemed to click with one type of people. When I walked into MacDonald’s I felt as if everyone’s eyes were blaring at me. Las Vegas and Henderson welcomes everyone because everyone lives here.
“The Latino population is the fastest growing population in the United States, currently representing almost 12% of the total U.S. population.” (
Over the past couple of years I have see an increase of Latin American people here in the valley. Some families bigger then others but these families definitely stand out in the crowd. As more Latin families move in the more move to other parts of the valley. I know area code 89101 is densely populated by Mexicans and other Latin American groups. I am one of those kids that moved out of what we called “the hood” and now reside in Henderson, a much more better location then where I came from.
“powerful organizations such as Univision have organized campaigns like Libera tu voz -- Free your voice -- working with the coalition Ya es hora -- It's time -- to encourage registration of Latinos and their participation in different elections.( The Latin group is becoming more organized day by day. It takes a large organization like Univision to get things started though. Every demographic needs a leader figure.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 2 EOC: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

“More than 200 million Wii, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 systems were sold worldwide…and yet the gaming world has found itself teetering at the edge of a financial cliff.”(Totilo)
“teenagers who are experiencing problems may retreat into gaming, and that the gaming may, in turn, increase their depression and isolation”(Rabin)
“Where do you game? Are you playing your Xbox 360, Wii or PS3 less now that you have an iPhone, iPad or Android?”(Smith)
My Game Apps
Video games have always been something I stayed away from. Looking back at my child hood I remember being “depressed” and socially awkward when I left the controller (Rabin). And that was just the Play Station, if I had the Play Station 3 maybe things would have been different since there’s a lot more interactivity with other gamers. Even though I see and hear about gamers, the gaming “sales have dropped” (Totilo). Makes me wonder where game consoles are placed on the BCG (Boston Consultant Group)?
Play Station I would rank as a Star. Eventually it will be a dog but I believe it will be a Star for a long time. Its competitor the Xbox 360 is at a Dog level. I haven’t seen much activity from them after the Kinect. Wii is a dog, its going nowhere which is why Nintendo is coming out with something new. Apps on iphones and ipads are Stars and its competitors like Kindle are the question marks. Kindle just doesn’t have the audience to support it on a game apps level.  
I personally like my game apps on my phone. It is interesting how games try to get you to download other games with add but we all hate adds so we tend to ignore. Apps are the reason game consoles are dropping in sales. Who wouldn’t want something entertaining on the go where ever they go as long as they have good reception.
 Works Cited
Rabin, Ronni C. "Video Games and the Depressed Teenager." Well. The New York Times, 18 Jan. 2011. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. <>.
Smith, Josh. "IPhone Games Are Taking Over Our Bedrooms." IPhone Games Are Taking Over Our Bedrooms. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. <>.
Totilo, Chris Suellentrop And Stephen. "VIDEO GAMES; Video Game Retail Sales Decline Despite New Hits." The New York Times. The New York Times, 07 Oct. 2012. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. <>.

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service

"four Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion"(pg. 13 Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation)
Apple has always done a good job marketing its product. From the first Iphone to the most current iphone it still amazes how Apple can sell (even sell out!) Iphones. Apple is one of those companies that has the 4 p’s down to the period.
When I was young, getting a cell phone was something I had to get for myself. I had to work a part time job to have a cell phone and at the same time go to school, high school. I went to a somewhat rich kid school. I had classes with kids whose parents took care of them and babied them all their life, in other words, more fortunate than me. Now I’m not ranking on my parents because they did support me whenever they could and I will say this, I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for them (I know, cliché isn’t it). When I got my first phone I about 16 and my service provider was T-mobile. Little did I know that T-mobile was not going to have the iphone we have today. Point being even though I had to work for my cell phone Apple still got my attention with the first ipod to the shuffle to Itough and on and on and on. Apple knows how to display their product. Apple knows how to price it to be competitive with other products out there. Apple knows where to place their add and commercial dollars to make good use of them. And they know how to promote their product. Now Im not going to say that Apple has the best to offer in the digital age but I have yet to be interested in anything else to even consider using.
Apple has embraced the power of the 4 p’s.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week One EOC My Voice

So this is week one of my 7th quarter. So far so good. Last 11 weeks I compiled all my classes on to 2 days. This quarter I have all my classes spread out throughout the week.

 I am a Web Student. I consider myself a beginner still because there’s still so much information out there that I have not seen or heard of yet. Since it is a web profession that means that everything is constantly upgrading! So how do I keep up with something that is constantly growing? That’s the question, I believe that once I got the grasp on something it has already become old technology and I need to move forward on to the next thing. Learning the principles and fundamentals is the key though. In order to be the one creating new Web ideas I have to fully grasp the principles and fundamentals so I can create a firm foundation for my podium. I want to one day stand on my podium and proudly say I am a Professional Web Developer.

Growing up I have surrounded myself with friends that I consider to be part of my extended family. Back in high school we created a car crew and out name was Khaos Drft. As we grew we also out grew our car hobby. I didn’t and now Khaos Drft is Khaos D and I will keep it alive as my Company name!