Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

“As one of the younger cities of the modern and dynamic Southwest, the City of Henderson is often referred to as the "Other Side of Southern Nevada". (http://www.cityofhenderson.com/economic_development/demographics.php)
Demographics here in Las Vegas and Henderson have always changed. I’ve never seen it change to where there its only a certain type of people but instead I see more diverse types of families moving out to the area. I’ve only been up to northern Nevada once and from what I saw there was not much diversity there. Everyone one seemed to click with one type of people. When I walked into MacDonald’s I felt as if everyone’s eyes were blaring at me. Las Vegas and Henderson welcomes everyone because everyone lives here.
“The Latino population is the fastest growing population in the United States, currently representing almost 12% of the total U.S. population.” (http://academic.udayton.edu/health/01status/elderly01a.htm)
Over the past couple of years I have see an increase of Latin American people here in the valley. Some families bigger then others but these families definitely stand out in the crowd. As more Latin families move in the more move to other parts of the valley. I know area code 89101 is densely populated by Mexicans and other Latin American groups. I am one of those kids that moved out of what we called “the hood” and now reside in Henderson, a much more better location then where I came from.
“powerful organizations such as Univision have organized campaigns like Libera tu voz -- Free your voice -- working with the coalition Ya es hora -- It's time -- to encourage registration of Latinos and their participation in different elections.( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jose-fernando-lopez/latino-demographics-gop_b_1939348.html) The Latin group is becoming more organized day by day. It takes a large organization like Univision to get things started though. Every demographic needs a leader figure.

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