Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week 4 EOC: B-B Marketing

Consumer buyer behavior refers "to the buying behavior of final consumers—individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption” which combine to make up the consumer market (pg 136, Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation). Americans are always buying either on line or in person. Apple is a good example because they sell peer to peer and online and they are very successful. “Consumers make many buying decisions every day, and the buying decision is the focal point of the marketer’s effort” (pg137, Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation). I know make decision every day when I want to buy something. Especially when it’s something that costs a lot of money. Usually when making a big purchase I take time and once I make up my mind about the product I usually take one day to sleep on my decision. Usually I do buy the next day but when I don’t its because something last minute came up and impeded me from making my purchase. That day to sleep on my decision helps a lot especially when something unexpected comes up. Below is the stages that buyers like me go through:
(pg 138, Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation). Adoption and diffusion is when a buyer hears about a product and to putting the product into use in their mental state. Basically you hear about an IPod and you start to picture how the product will benefit you throughout you day. When a business is buying the process is a lot more different. Below is a graph to show a business buying decision process:
(pg 161, Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation). A business things about how it will benefit a wide variety of clients as supposed to when buying for yourself you make decisions for yourself and/or your family. The difference between business and consumer buying behaviors is the range of people the buying decision will appeal to.

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