Wednesday, November 21, 2012


"The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service.(Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, Edition 10)

Sofrito chips will be priced according to bag size and will marked at about the same price other chip products are priced at. For example, if a large family size bag of Cheetos are priced at $2.99 then our bag will also be priced at $2.99. We don't intend on short selling our product instead we will match it. what will set us apart will our chips. Consumers will love our chips and will pick our bag from the bunch. Our marketing team will ensure that our consumers are aware of our unique taste of chips. The minute they see our name they will forget about the price and will desire our bag for their snack craving. 
Price; Marketing's Most Delicate "P"” ( I agree, the price is the toughest to determine. That is why we will be consistent with our competitors. There may be a time when we will do special promotion and price the product differently but that will only be during inflation times. 

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